Noel Alshomali is the CEO of Land of Peace. He said the number of Christians living in Bethlehem has dwindled year after year.
“It just keeps going down,” he told NBC 10. “In 1920, the population was over 70 percent. Today, the Christian population is less 2 percent — 1.7. Most of the Christians have left the county because they are persecuted or suffering. There is no government to support them. It’s very hard for them to find the right job and they don’t have any source of income. It’s also very hard to practice their faith.”
Since they don’t have any rights or freedom, he said they often opt to leave the country.
“What’s going to happen in 30 years? Will Christians still be living over there? There is a big question as to what is going to happen to the Christian population,” Alshomali said.
Awwad shared similar sentiments. He said there continues to be lot of discrimination against Christians there.
“We’re a minority,” he said. “And for me, coming from a religious background, I know how important it is to maintain the Christian presence in the land where Jesus was born. At this moment, there is a worry that these places are being left with no Christians.”
Awwad said because there are fewer and fewer Christians, he fears holy sites will become abandoned.
“I’ve witnessed firsthand how they can be taken over and converted to something else,” he said, also describing the Palestinian authority as corrupt.
“They have funds coming in from other countries but not propagating it properly,” he added. “Every year I go, I see the situation has gotten worse and worse. It’s not like America; it’s not developed. There’s not really any manufacturing going on and there’s no agriculture. People are stressed, so they make these handy crafts and they sell it to tourists.”
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