About Us

Who We Are


Who We Are?

Land of Peace is a non-profit organization under section 501 (C) (3), dedicated to helping Brothers and Sisters in the Holy Land and in the Middle East! It has provided help and support to many Organizations, Associations, Churches and even individuals.

The only source of income for Land of Peace is by selling the religious carvings from the Holy Land that are hand made by the Carvers and artisans in Bethlehem area from materials such as Olive Wood or Mother of Pearl! A portion of the sales contributed to support many Organizations, Associations, and Missions throughout the Middle East!
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Helping Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land and in the Middle East! And providing support to many Organizations, Associations, Churches and even individuals.

Raise the awareness about the Christian situation in the Middle East and provide help and support to those in need

Land of Peace sponsoring Fundraiser projects and events, All the Proceeds go directly to their cause.

Board Directors

Land of Peace has 3 Board Directors; two of them are active Priests within the Archdiocese of Detroit and many Board Members that are Priests, Missionaries, Volunteers and Locals from Bethlehem area.

Talk to Us

Please Feel Free To contact us


Land Of Peace

35436 Mound Rd Sterling Hts MI 48310
